Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby names.

I know a bunch of people having babies this year. I know the naming process can be a hard one, but seriously, give it some thought. I've figured out that there are a lot of names that I just can't stand. For some reason I know more than one person who named their new baby boy Aiden. For some reason, this name drives me up the wall. It sucks. Shitty name. Another one is Tristan. Tristan? Seriously? That's even worse than Aiden. And if your name is Todd I probably hate you, no matter your age. I'm gonna have a rough time keeping my mouth shut when I have to go to Rosalie's school things if these are the names I have to deal with. I'm not above making fun of children. A lot of parents are gonna hate me because they gave their kids dipshit names. It's not my fault that you obviously want your kids to get made fun of.

And how do you nicely tell someone that their pride and joy's name is horrible? "Cute kid. Bummer about his name, though." They'll probably still get bent out of shape. People are so damn protective of their offspring.

I'm gonna go listen to The Sword and try to calm down.


Anonymous said...

i'll fucken baby your name pal.

Tacky said...

You talk a big game, fella.